I am sick. Like super-sick.
I spent all of August and much of September thinking I was “sort of” sick. By the time I finally caved…I was super-sick, like second course of antibiotics, a course of steroids, and a bunch of other stuff sick.
This is your writer-reality-check: Take Care of Yourself.
It’s so easy to slip into “I’m not that sick” and “I just need more rest,” but too much of that leads to being super-sick. The argument I used with myself was that I had too much work to do to be sick, and I just needed to buckle down. Yeah…that didn’t work so well. Now, my body is basically demanding that I take a few days. It won’t let me write because I’m so fuzzy brained that focusing on anything longer than a sentence or two is beyond difficult. (For perspective, I’ve been working on this blog post for about 30 minutes. Yeah. Not productive.)
So, be smarter than me. Take care of yourself on a daily basis. Drink water. Get exercise. Take vitamins. Eat right (or at least right-ish.) And if you get sick, even if you don’t feel sick enough, listen to your body. Two weeks of a little bit sick? Maybe that’s okay, but when you’re in 4-6 week territory, get your dumb ass to the doctor.
Your body and your brain need to be healthy if you are going to be a productive writer. It’s not all about BICHOK (butt-in-chair-hands-on-keyboard).
Be healthy. As for me, I’m taking all the drugs the doctor ordered and passing out. Tomorrow will be for words, if my brain cooperates. If not, I only have myself to blame.
Be smarter than me 😛
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